Sedona Recommendations?

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Sedona Recommendations?

Post by wcleveland »

I'm looking for recommendations in Sedona.
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Skillet Doux
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Re: Sedona Recommendations?

Post by Skillet Doux »

Howdy, wcleveland, and welcome!

I know your post has been hanging out here for a couple of days without reply, so I wanted to see if I can help nudge things along for you a little bit :-)

PHXfn has been dormant for quite a while, so there's no reason you should have known. But a board like this, in general, is more focused on sharing information than requesting information, and most of the folks here tend to shy away from the Facebook-style "Broad Question / Barrage of Brief Answers" threads.

This isn't to say that requests aren't welcome, but I think you'll find that you'll have a lot more luck if you elucidate a bit! Who are you? What are you going for? What type of food are you looking for?

Even better, kick things off by telling us a little bit about what you already know and enjoy. Have you been to Sedona before? If so, tell us about a couple of your favorites first. What did you have? What did you like about them?

Put another way, this isn't like most Facebook groups where you can fire off a quick question and get a list of a hundred answers. We tend to operate under the philosophy that you get out of the board what you put into it. The downside is that it asks members of the community to take the time to contribute something, and I understand that for some people that can be a heavy lift. But the upside is that when you really *participate* in the community, you'll find that the info that comes back to you is far more thorough, thoughtful and helpful than the kind of mindless, dumb lists you get in most places.

BUT, having said all that, I don't want to be a total dick and send you away emptyhanded, so here's one of my favorites from a recent trip :-)

Last time up to Sedona, earlier this year, I finally managed to get to Tamaliza, and I really enjoyed it. It's a super cute little Mom and Pop shop, colorful interior, lots of picnic tables to enjoy the outdoors as well. The focus, as you'd expect, is tamales.

tamaliza.jpg (599.15 KiB) Viewed 6591 times

This was more of a snack stop than a full lunch, so I got a quick sample. In back is the poblano with cheese and corn tamal, and man, this was nice. The greens threw off a little more bitterness than I would have preferred, but that aside, beautiful texture, really developed, deep flavor, nice bright salsa — very nice. Even better was the chicken in mole tamal up front. It is just as intense and complex as it looks. Beautifully developed mole. It's a big menu and I want to explore it more, but I'll have a really hard time not getting that one again whenever I go back.

Hope that gives you at least a little something to nibble on, and wherever you end up, please report back!
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Re: Sedona Recommendations?

Post by jayj »

I have a recommendation of where not to go, if that's allowed.

Elote Cafe. Eh. It was fine. Expensive and not worth it. Avoid it despite all the rave reviews. Go to Tamaliza instead - those tamales look awesome!
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Re: Sedona Recommendations?

Post by journeywomanjo »

+1 for Tamaliza. I've only been for breakfast, but the owner was really accommodating of some food allergies and whipped up something similar to what I was interested in herself. Quite tasty.

I was pleasantly surprised by Hideaway House - though it's been so long I can't remember what I ordered (perhaps the roasted veg and polenta main?). Well executed classics, good service, and a great view from the balcony.
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Re: Sedona Recommendations?

Post by LaPan »

Oooh, I almost forgot. The Coffee Pot's waffles are delicious.
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Re: Sedona Recommendations?

Post by LaPan »

Just hit Gerardo’s Pizzaria last night. Very nice. Everything homemade. Quite the find up there amongst the red rocks.
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