When it comes to food, what’s good in your hood?

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When it comes to food, what’s good in your hood?

Post by exit2lef »

Robert Stempkowski is a former Phoenix food writer and restaurateur. He now writes a food column for the Metro Times, the alternative weekly in Detroit, called Chowhound. The title is ironic because during his time here, he used to criticize the old Chowhound food discussion board for allowing the use of pseudonymous screen names. Although I've sometimes disagreed with him about that and other issues, I think he has an important message in his latest writing:

https://www.metrotimes.com/food-drink/w ... d-34501333

He goes into detail about specific places in Dearborn, MI, but his concluding paragraph is a good message for everyone, no matter where they are:

And that’s all I’m saying here, folks. Walk out into the world right where you live. Explore. Make a difference. Taste more of the sweet, simple sustenance just outside your door. Support the people hanging their shingles just down your street. Make your world and theirs the same, better place. Amen.
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